We will be back in October 2024 with a brand new Scare Maze!... If you can't wait that long, why not play one of our Horror Escape room Games (OPEN ALL YEAR!)
Find out More HERE!
Contained Liverpool's Sell-out Horror Maze October 2019!
Check Out Our 2019 Teaser Below...
After 4 sold out events, Contained Liverpool will be back in 2024 with a brand new Live Actor Horror Maze!
The theme for previous years have been all things sinful... Make sure you are wearing your big boy pants as we have really raised the bar on fear!
This year, Contained Liverpool presents: MOTEL SIN
Step inside the city's most immersive horror attraction, which was branded last year by The Liverpool Echo Newspaper as being "The Most Terrifying Halloween Event In The North West"
Those taking part in the scare maze should also expect to be put in some pretty uncomfortable situations clambering into a cupboard, crawling through a darkened tunnel on your hands and knees and finding your way around in complete darkness.
This event will be our most Gruesome, Vile & Truly Terrifying event yet!
The whole action packed, Live Actor experience will focus on the sickest of sins, including 'The 7 Deadly Sins' that thou shall not commit...
At MOTEL SIN, you will encounter the most vulgar and cruel characters you will ever meet. Are you ready to check in to this 30 minute theatrical experience of pure fear?
Want More? Why Not Extend Your Stay At MOTEL SIN...

in 2019, Contained Liverpool was proud to introduce, as an additional extra to MOTEL SIN...
This was a 15 minute experience which distorted your senses, as visitors where teased and tormented by the most vile family of killers we had to offer.
Visitors where restrained to a chair, and played victim to a family of psycho hill Billys who run this motel...
They are your worst nightmare...
You will NEVER forget them...
This 15 minute Live Actor & Audio experience will leave you screaming for your life!
We warned you that Contained Liverpool is seriously raising the bar on fear in 2019, and we delivered!​
Forget the Fun Frights & Frolics... 2024 will be The REAL DEAL!
The PITCH BLACK: THE FINAL SIN experience had limited tickets, which means not everybody got to experience this thrilling and intense nightmare. Who knows, it may return in 2023!
If this sounds a bit to much for your faint heart, check out our Escape Rooms which are open all year round, 7 days per week!
Whilst You Wait For The Launch announcement of our 2024 Horror maze, Check Out The Cast Of Love Island (In Collaboration With Boohoo.com) Visiting Our October 2018 Horror Maze In The Video Below:
WARNING: This event contains VERY bad language, Adult themes & Sexual references. VERY Loud noises, Smoke & Strobe effects, Disgusting smells. If in doubt, STAY OUT!